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- IEC規格ドラフトの審議情報
- IEC投票・審議文書台帳
直近 | SC3D | TC31 | TC44 | TC45 | TC65 | TC66 | TC77 | TC85 | TC111 |
IEC/SC3D 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | Draft Agenda for the IEC/SC 3D plenary meeting to be held as a hybrid meeting on May 14, 2025, (expected starting time: 05:00 UTC / expected end time: 09:00 UTC) in Chengdu, China | DA | 3D/419/DA |
IEC/TC(SCs)31 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | Result of Questionnaire on 31/1839/Q: Nomination of Convenor of AG 49 Portable and personal equipment | RQ | 31/1851/RQ | ||
25-01-17 | WG 31: Gas/dust hybrid mixtures - Call for experts | AC | 31/1852/AC | ||
25-01-17 | Result of Questionnaire on 31G/416/Q: Nomination of co-convenor for maintenance team MT 60079-47 explosive atmospheres - part 47: equipment protection by 2-wire intrinsically safe ethernet concept (2-WISE) | RQ | 31G/418/RQ |
IEC/TC44 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
IEC/TC(SCs)45 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | IEC/IEEE 60880 ED1 | IEC/IEEE 60880 ED1: Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions | CDV | 25-04-11 | 45A/1576/CDV |
25-01-17 | IEC 61513 ED3 | IEC 61513 ED3: Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - General requirements for systems | CDV | 25-04-11 | 45A/1577/CDV |
25-01-17 | Document on circulation of the ISO/IEC approved work item draft: Technical Specification 22440-1: Artificial intelligence - Functional safety and AI systems - Part 1: Requirements for comment from IEC SC45A National Committees. | DC | 25-02-28 | 45A/1582/DC |
IEC/TC(SCs)65 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | Appointment of a secretary and assistant secretary (Mr A. Nabais Moreno and Ms V. Demassieux) | AC | 65C/1336/AC | ||
25-01-17 | IEC 62541-7 ED4 | IEC 62541-7 ED4: OPC Unified Architecture - Part 7: Profiles | CDV | 25-03-14 | 65E/1151/CDV |
25-01-17 | Result of Questionnaire on 65E/1149/Q: Nomination for Convenor of SC 65E/WG 2: Product properties & classification | RQ | 65E/1152/RQ |
IEC/TC66 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | IEC 61010-1/AMD2 ED3 | Revised Compilation of Comments on 66/818/CD - IEC 61010-1/AMD2 ED3: Amendment 2 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements | CC | 66/824B/CC |
IEC/TC(SCs)77 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | Nomination for the Chair of SC 77B: High frequency phenomena | Q | 25-02-28 | 77/620/Q | |
25-01-17 | IEC 61000-4-34/AMD2 ED1 | IEC 61000-4-34/AMD2 ED1: Amendment 2 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with input current more than 16 A per phase | CDV | 25-04-11 | 77A/1233/CDV |
IEC/TC85 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
IEC/TC111 審議文書
文書配付日 | 規格番号 | 規格タイトル | 段階 | 投票期限 | IEC文書番号 |
25-01-17 | IEC 62321-13 ED1 | IEC 62321-13 ED1: Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products ? Part 13: Bisphenol A in plastics by liquid chromatography-diode array detection (LC-DAD), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) | CDV | 25-04-11 | 111/799/CDV |
25-01-17 | IEC 63366 ED1 | IEC 63366 ED1: Product category rules for life cycle assessment of electrical and electronic products and systems | FDIS | 25-01-31 | 111/804(F)/FDIS |