Survey of Trends in Regulations within Japan and abroad


Recently, swift response to regulation changes in Japan and abroad is required in manufacturing and selling industrial products. Accurate and speedy surveys are continuously conducted on export regulation, environmental regulation, EMC, product safety, and other aspects in response to member needs.

To enhance the presence of JEMIMA, cooperation with related organizations worldwide is strengthened and JEMIMA will actively promote dispatch of committee members to the IEC and other international organizations. Furthermore, JEMIMA will continue to exert efforts to train and secure personnel that are globally capable.

  • Law and Regulation Compliance and Standardization activities

    EMIMA collects information on the establishment and amendment of laws and standards both domestic and abroad for EMC and on electrical/optical safety of electric measuring instruments and related products, and provides the information to member companies, as well as to non-member companies, through seminars and other events.
    A database will be built containing laws and regulations of the countries of the world to provide a service allowing easy search and access by member companies.

    In 2009, JEMIMA started dispatching a member to IEC TC66 (Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment) and strengthens its activities in this field in combination with other actions.

  • Export control

    JEMIMA will continue organizing "Meetings for explanation of security export control (Qualified meetings)" to spread knowledge on export related laws and regulations and to achieve thorough compliance with them.
    JEMIMA publishes various documents (in Japanese) for Japanese exporters such as "Guidance on Applicability" and "Hand Carry Procedural Manual", which allow easy understanding of customs clearance procedures even by persons inexperienced in hand carry and contain the latest laws and regulations, useful during business trips outside Japan.
    Through these activities, JEMIMA is contributing member companies in the export control field.

  • Environmental and Green activity

    JEMIMA continuously surveys the status of environmental regulations of the world and determines proper reactions for member companies.
    Regulations surveyed include the amended WEEE and RoHS directives, REACH regulation, and the battery directive. JEMIMA proposes its opinions to related organizations inside and outside Japan to have its opinions reflected in the establishment of regulations and standards.
    JEMIMA continues to organize seminars on environmental regulation for students.

  • Activities on the Energy and Environment Policy

    JEMIMA researches the world trend in energy & environments policies and provides the related information to member companies for their timely reaction to secure the new business opportunities.
    In the field of "Smart Grid", which is the topic of this time, JEMIMA cooperates with various organizations in industry and academia both and providing useful information to our members.
    In the field of energy related regulations, JEMIMA studies ISO50001 (energy management system) and provide gathered information to our members.

  • Study and research on functional safety

    JEMIMA is engaged in activities to spread standards on specification, design, installation, operation, and maintenance requirements for safety instrumentation systems for the measurement and control segment for process and factory automation (JIS C 0511-1 to -3).
